After Reading These 10 Books, You Will Be Very Good at Programming.


For young children, programming and painting are the same, and the cultivation of interest is very important.

To sum up, interest is the most important thing for children to learn programming in the early stage. Here is Amazon’s sales list of children’s programming books. If you plan to select a programming book for your children, you can use it as a reference.

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1. Python for kids

Readers’ comments: I am a Python teacher. I have basically read all the books about children’s Python programming. This is the best one. Although it is not perfect, it can explain Python to children in a very simple way. So I chose it as my teaching book. Even if children accidentally miss one or two classes, they can also master it by self-study.

2. Coding Games in Scratch

This book is specially written for children aged 8-12, without any programming experience. The author shows children how to use Scratch to build their own computer projects through interesting pictures and simple and understandable instructions.

With the help of coding games in Scratch, children can build single-player and multi-player platform games, create puzzles and memory games, add animations, and so on. While building the game, you can also master the basic concepts of programming.

3. My First coding book

It is suitable for children aged 5-7. The book contains not only various games, but also the basic concepts of algorithms and debugging to cultivate children’s logical thinking and critical thinking and lay a good foundation for future computer knowledge learning.

4. Baby Loves Coding!

The goal of this book is to introduce STEM in a way suitable for babies. This is a series of books. The story begins with a train and then goes into the introduction of programming. The illustrations in the book can greatly attract children’s attention. However, some readers think that programming in this book is difficult for babies.


I believe that a large number of children are very interested in robots. This book is about building robots. This book adopts case teaching, which is easier to understand and provides more than 150 challenges in construction and programming. The author encourages children to think more creatively and apply the knowledge they have learned to create their robots.

6. DK Workbooks

This is a book about Scratch programming. It helps children create a Scratch football game, design a flying witch game, or build a game to test reaction speed through simple and reasonable instructions.

At the end of each project, there will be test questions. Students can test their mastery by doing test questions.

7. Coding Projects In Python

This book is suitable for children over 10 years old. It introduces the basic knowledge of programming step by step, such as loops and conditions, and explains 14 very interesting items, including password-cracking scripts, matching games, etc.


The previous books were about Python and Scratch. This book is about teaching children how to write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Whether you want to create a website, create an application or build a game through them, this book can help you. This book was written and published by Young Rewired State, an organization composed of technology-savvy children.


This book starts with basic knowledge of Python, and then gradually teaches you to use Minecraft programming to make some games.

10. How To Code in 10 Easy Lessons

This book uses 10 simple courses to teach children simple programming knowledge through Scratch. It can also help children learn how to create their own computer games or design websites.

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