How to deal with your kid’s addiction to computer games?


Why do children prefer games over learning?


1. Master the game

When playing games, children can control the game. They can manipulate what they want and create what they need. In reality, they are all subject to various rules, so they prefer themselves in the game

2. Simple rules

The rules in the game are much simpler than those in reality, as long as you put in the effort, you will reap rewards. In reality, there may not always be gains after putting in the effort, or there may not be results in the time you expect. Without the stimulation or motivation of ‘results’, children will gradually lose patience to continue.

3. Children’s curiosity about smart devices

Nowadays, some parents prevent their children from accessing electronic devices, especially computers, mobile phones, etc., in order for them to study well. However, the use of smart devices is a fundamental skill that should have been acquired from a young age. If children around them are able to use smart devices while their own children are not, it may hinder their normal communication and even undermine their self-confidence, thereby affecting their personality.

Games are human nature, and it is neither possible nor advisable to completely limit games. We should use our gaming nature to guide teenagers to do the right things.

Let kids learn to program



If you want to expose your child to electronic products while also worrying about their addiction to games, you may want to teach them programming.

In the world of programming, programmers are the masters, and all devices and code are under their control. They can create any effect they want, truly manipulating intelligent devices from the perspective of God. It can fully satisfy children’s imagination and stimulate their creativity.

Graphical programming, gamified programming, and intelligent external devices in children’s programming can enable children to create cool works in a short period of time. You can also gamify the course content through programming, creating a game for each lesson to enhance the knowledge in the course. This can fully stimulate children’s learning enthusiasm and stimulate teenagers’ creative desire.

Choosing hobbies that are in line with the development of the times can enable children to learn truly beneficial knowledge while playing and moving toward the future.


So what can programming bring to children?


1. Exercise programming thinking

In the face of complex and difficult big problems, decompose them into a series of small problems. Redesign the steps and execute them step by step until the problem is resolved. This is the core of programming thinking, a way of thinking that effectively solves problems.

2. Cultivate imagination and creativity

As a person grows up, they will form a mindset. If they have not been tested and challenged before, and encounter complex problems in the future, the brain will habitually believe that this matter will not work, and children will gradually lose the courage and confidence to challenge themselves and break through themselves.

The process of learning programming is like painting, guiding children to constantly think about how to complete programming works can help them jump out of their thinking patterns, give full play to their imagination, and experience the joy of creation.

3. Enhance self-confidence and focus

Participating fully in programming can effectively improve children’s concentration in doing things, and successfully running programs step by step according to their own ideas can enhance children’s self-confidence.

Fully participating in programming can effectively improve children’s focus on tasks, while successfully running programs step by step according to one’s own ideas can enhance children’s confidence.

As a parent of your child, if you are still struggling about whether or not to let your child play with mobile phones or computers, you can really consider letting your child learn to program.

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