Is Learning Scratch Necessary For Kids? Let’s Ask CHATGPT!


ChatGPT has been quite popular recently. I tried to ask ChatGPT to tell me something about Scratch Programming and why it is so important for students to learn.

I’m asking the following four questions to ChatGPT.

1. Let's start with "What is Scratch".


“Scratch is a visual programming language that was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab. “

“The language was created to help children aged 8 to 16 learn the fundamentals of programming and computer science in a fun and interactive way. Scratch allows users to create interactive stories, games, animations, and simulations by dragging and dropping blocks of code rather than writing text-based code.”

2. Then when was Scratch released?

“Scratch was first released in 2007, and since then, it has become one of the most popular programming languages for children worldwide. “

3. Tell me more about Scratch.

“The language has a user-friendly interface and uses a block-based programming approach. Scratch’s blocks represent programming concepts, such as loops, conditionals, and variables. Users can combine these blocks to create a program by snapping them together like puzzle pieces.”



“The Scratch programming environment consists of four main parts: the stage, the sprites, the scripts, and the blocks palette. The stage is where the user’s project is displayed, and the sprites are the characters or objects that the user can program to interact with the stage. The scripts are the blocks of code that the user assembles to create a program, and the blocks palette is where the user can select the blocks they need to create their program.”

“One of the best features of Scratch is its online community, where users can share their projects with others, remix existing projects, and collaborate with other users. The Scratch online community has millions of members worldwide, and it provides a safe and supportive environment for children to learn, create, and share their projects.”

4. Is it good for students learning programming?

“Scratch is an excellent tool for teaching children programming and computer science concepts. The language’s visual and interactive nature makes it easy for children to understand programming concepts and apply them to their projects. Scratch’s block-based programming approach allows children to focus on the logic of their program, rather than getting bogged down in syntax errors.

Scratch also teaches children essential problem-solving skills. Children must think creatively and logically to design and program their projects. They must break down complex problems into smaller parts and use programming concepts to solve them. These problem-solving skills are essential not only for programming but also for life in general.

In conclusion, Scratch is a wonderful tool for teaching children programming and computer science concepts. The language’s visual and interactive nature makes it easy for children to learn programming concepts and apply them to their projects. Scratch’s online community provides a safe and supportive environment for children to learn, create, and share their projects. By using Scratch, children can develop essential problem-solving skills that will be valuable throughout their lives.”

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How interesting is it? ChatGPT is written using Python programming language. If you start learning Scratch when you are in primary school, you will learn Python later on.

Try a programming lesson now, and you will develop software as powerful as ChatGPT in the future.

Try 1month for free!

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